A couple walking down Balmy Alley in the Mission.
A couple walking down Balmy Alley in the Mission.

The Guide to
San Francisco’s Mission District Murals


In San Francisco, we treat the city as our canvas. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the Mission. In this neighborhood, 你会发现一系列引人注目的壁画,记录了几十年来的激进主义, innovation, 以及让贝博体彩app人感到自豪的文化传播,让我们的城市在世界上脱颖而出.

跟随我们的向导探索一些最令人惊叹的壁画. 我们还为你推荐了其他值得一游的当地地标, 以及在哪里品尝一些社区最诱人的食物和饮料.

Balmy Alley

上世纪80年代中期,壁画首次出现在巴尔米巷(Balmy Alley),表达了对中美洲侵犯人权和政治腐败的愤怒. 今天,主题已经扩大到包括中产阶级化和政府的不公正.
If you're looking for more arts and culture, the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts is located just a few blocks away. 除了一系列的展品外,他们还提供了一些戏剧、音乐和舞蹈方面的工作坊.

Clarion Alley


受到温暖巷子和附近其他壁画的启发, Clarion Alley is known for community and arts activities. 这组壁画反映了各种艺术风格,经常描绘社会包容性的主题. More than 700 murals have been created since 1992, speaking to community concerns of social, economic, and environmental justice.

For an equally inspiring view, pay a visit to Mission Dolores Park, 在倾斜的山坡上,市中心的摩天大楼耸立在公园的绿草地和教会社区的住宅之上,这是一幅美丽的景色. Woods Cerveceria, 这家纳米啤酒厂以其精酿啤酒和香甜可口的肉馅卷饼而闻名, is also worth a visit when you're in the area.

The Women’s Building MaestraPeace Mural

3543 18th St.

女子大厦因其maestrapace壁画而享誉国际, which honors women’s contributions to art, science, and social justice worldwide. Painted in 1994 across two walls, this mural results from a multi-cultural, 七位女性艺术家的跨代合作.

如果你追求的是合作,那就去几个街区 Lazy Bear这是贝博体彩app最受欢迎的用餐体验之一,或者 Good Good Culture Club如果你想探索带有加州风味的东亚和东南亚美食,那就去美国吧.

A colorful, 大型壁画覆盖了贝博体彩app教会区的妇女大厦的一面.

Carnaval Mural

24th St. and South Van Ness Ave.

Known as “Golden Dreams of the Mission,狂欢节壁画位于24街和南凡内斯大道拐角处的休息屋上方,高24英尺,宽75英尺,令人印象深刻. 最初于1983年由壁画家丹尼尔·加尔韦兹在当地艺术家丹·丰特斯的帮助下绘制, Keith Sklar, Jaime Morgan, Eduardo Pineda, 还有简·希尔德——这幅画描绘了1979年该市第一届狂欢节的活力和精神.

Keep Penny Roma on your radar when in the area. 他们的意大利菜是晚餐的好去处.

Precita Eyes Mural Arts and Visitor Center

2981 24th St.

许多想要探索当地壁画的人来到Precita Eyes壁画艺术和游客中心. It’s no wonder why; this community-based non-profit is filled with works by local artists and offers self-guided and guided tours that cover the murals' history, cultural and historical significance.

如果你参观这幅壁画,你也会得到甜蜜的款待. Just across the street is Humphry Slocombe Ice Cream自2008年以来,它一直是教会区最受欢迎的独特季节性风味餐厅.

Susan Cervantes, founder of Precita Eyes

Heart of the City: The Mission



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